Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Ox in the Myre

This is actually a parody of the song "Cats in the Cradle" that I wrote while I was on my mission... I found it in my Mission Compendium notebook, and found it WAAAAAAAYYYY funnier than I remembered. And now I'm sharing it with you because I like you.


Well my greenie arrived just the other day
fresh off the plane from the U.S.A.
he came up to me and he shook my hand
speaking so poorly I could not understand
and as we were unpacking, as I often do,
he said "I wanna be like you, yeah, you know I wanna be like you"

Oh the Ox in the Myre and the shiny shoes,
monkeys, alligators, President Arbizu*
when you're going home in 2010 (two thousand-ten)**
I'll probably never see you again
but I'll remember what a good time it's been

He sat down for study just the other day
opened the Scriptures n' said "Hey come on, let's pray!"
then I looked at him and I saw the time;
said, "When I'm done with this month's Ensign.
I gotta call the ZLs, and then when I'm through
I'll get to study with you. You know I'll get to studying with you."


My greenie was training just the other day,
finally Senior Comp, so I had to say,
"Son, I'm proud of you, wanna tract for a while?"
He shook my hand and he said with a smile,
"Well my comp's got Dengue***, and I've got nothing to do,
so I can't do divisions with you. I can't do divisions with you."


Well I got my flight plans just the other day,
wanted to call my "kid" before I went away.
He said "I'd love to talk if I could find the time.
Me and my comp are drinking juice with lime (sorry about that rhyme.)
We don't have investigators, and all our plans just fell through,
so we've got nothin' to do. It's like when I was working with you."

We both laughed and I hung up the phone.
Just a few more hours and then boom! I'm home.

I had time to reflect on these past two years,
but that last phone call confirmed all my fears
and as I stepped off the plane it occurred to me
my greenie turned out just like me,


*President Arbizu was the name of my Mission President
**I wrote this in 2007, so 2010 seemed REALLY far away
***Dengue (dain-gay) is a disease transmitted by mosquitos that makes you feel like every bone in your body is broken. True story.


  1. This was thoroughly enjoyable to read. I couldn't help but sing along and laugh.

  2. Still cracks me up. Favorite lines: "I've got nothin' to do" and we've got nothin' to do." That kills me!!
