So I have decided to no longer update "Another Side". Somehow, I don't think anyone is going to miss it. Which, considering its whiny, emo nature, is probably exactly what it would have wanted. Rest in peace. Let's hear it for being more positive, eh?
In other news, my life has changed completely! It's like, just when you think you've got everything all figured out, all of a sudden you realize you don't. Just in the past month or so I have gotten a new calling as an Assistant Executive Secretary, had our Sunday meeting schedule turned on its head, started a new semester of college, and been transferred to a new location for work! Sheesh. That's life for ya. Anyhow, I'm gonna go off and listen to some Evanescence, write some depressing poetry, take some pictures, add a vintage effect, and write some forlorn message about being heartbroken or something like that. In that order.
Oh, by the way. I'm rather enjoying life, thank you very much! (And I actually do happen to like Evanescence.)
Speaking of Evanescence---> Did you kNOW that they have come out with a new CD?? Yes, it is true. I believe they went self titled route with it- Well, it is MUCH better than The Open Door and still not as good as Fallen. If you ever want a sweet computer for yourself..let me know :) I would love to hook u up as well, now that you are uncle money bags----